Downloading Fonts in TexStudio

Tag: TIL

As pleasing as the default LaTeX font is, there may be reasons why you want to import a downloaded font to use. Here's a brief overview of how you can achieve that.

  • Find a font you like on a site like this.
  • Download the .ttf file and put it somewhere like ~/Library/Fonts if on mac, or /usr/local/share/fonts for linux.
  • You will need to download and use the LaTeX package fontspec and define a new font family.
  • Everywhere that you want to use this font you must do:
{\headingfont\selectfont New Font Example}
  • There are other options for changing the default font if you want to use it everywhere.
  • To compile with TexStudio you will need to go to Tools → Commands → XeLaTeX, which will run the typesetting engine.